15 Romantic Valentine’s Day Proposal Ideas That’ll Make Your Girlfriend Say Yes
Good news to all the Valentines out there! It’s almost time to declare your love to your partner (at least in most parts of the world). Whether you’re already together or not, you’re thinking about ways to propose your girlfriend on Valentine’s Day. But what if you don’t know where to start? No worries, we got you covered! Here are 15 of the most romantic Valentine’s Day proposal ideas that will make your girlfriend say yes!

Top DIY Proposal Ideas
It is no surprise that having a proposal planned ahead of time is something most men are incredibly passionate about. The truth of the matter is, it can be extremely difficult to come up with an idea that you truly feel expresses your love for your partner while being within your budget. That said, there are some incredible DIY proposals that have been pulled off in recent years and we want to share a few of our favorites. The difficulty you may face here is whether or not you should save such a unique idea for marriage or if it would be better suited for a special occasion like Valentine’s Day or her birthday. It ultimately depends on what she would enjoy more and what will work within your budget. Below, we’ve listed 5 awesome DIY proposal ideas you may want to consider utilizing

Skywriting proposal
A proposal with a message that can be seen by thousands! Imagine your partner is at work, out with friends or walking down the street. Suddenly they look up and see their name written in a sky. The beauty of skywriting is that you can write almost anything. This has made it one of our favourite ways to ask for a girlfriend’s hand in marriage.

Recreate your first date
If your partner hasn’t experienced it yet, recreate your first date. Doing so will remind her of how special she was to you from day one, and let her know that you want to relive those early stages of love with her all over again. This can help calm some nerves and set a romantic tone for what is bound to be an unforgettable night. Let her know in advance about your plans! Recreate the exact same date setting, complete with the same clothes, music, food and drinks. Then, tell her that you feel every day like as first date and you’d like to spend the rest of your life reveling in the feeling.

Sing a song for her to propose
Getting down on one knee in front of a packed stadium of your beloved’s favorite fans would be romantic, but it might be difficult to pull off. Why not try singing her a song? Everyone has those songs that take them back to special times in their lives: for her, why not write and sing a love song about what you want your future together to look like? Write it out beforehand or memorize it so you can focus on looking into her eyes when you sing.

Surprise Her With Breakfast In Bed
Boys always plan to make Valentin’s night precious but why not try to make morning priceless!!! Nothing says I love you like having a hot meal waiting for you when you wake up. Instead of opting for Starbucks on Valentine’s morning, wake your girl up with breakfast in bed! She will feel special and more likely to say yes if she thinks about how much effort went into making her morning amazing. A friend once told me that guys can make it seem like they are doing everything in their power to court their women. And don’t forget dessert…chocolate is always good.

Book A Photo Shoot
This Valentine’s day why not surprise your partner with a photoshoot? If you want to make sure that she says YES and loves it, be sure to book in advance. A photographer is an investment but with good preparation, place and research you will get more than your money’s worth and create an experience neither of you will forget.

Write Her A Love Letter
It is a quite long time old idea but still works well, if you feel you can express well on a paper or a valentine card!!! Whether you want to surprise your girlfriend, wife or mother for Valentine’s Day, there is no better way to express your love than with a heartfelt and personal love letter. But how can you come up with a perfect one? Well, there are so many ways! No matter what type of relationship you have with her, you can be sure that she will appreciate a well-written and sincere love letter from you.
Create Something Together
One of my favorite ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day is by creating something together. So while it might seem that you should save all your creative juices for pulling off a proposal, why not put them to use making something nice for her, too? Whether you make her a gift or go on a date where you craft together, expressing love through creativity can be really special.

Video proposal
Every proposal is different, and Valentine’s Day may not suit everyone. But if you want to create a more unique proposal that stands out from other couples on February 14th, consider videoing your whole experience for your partner. Asking someone to marry you can be an extremely nerve-wracking experience, but being able to see yourself as others see you in an intimate setting makes it easier on both of you.

Take her on a romantic getaway
If you are asking your girlfriend to marry you, there is no better setting than a romantic vacation. Whether it’s a weekend trip to a local bed and breakfast or an exotic adventure overseas, such as going skydiving over New Zealand , adding some adventure into your proposal can be just what she needs to say yes! If you are traveling somewhere far away and your lady will not have enough time to go back home, be sure to find out if she already has her passport.

A radio proposal
It takes a special kind of person to propose in public. If you think proposing during a ballgame or in front of your friends is nerve-wracking, try proposing over the radio. Yep, it’s not only possible; it’s actually pretty awesome if you nail it right.

Alarm proposal
Looking for an offbeat idea for proposing on Valentine’s Day? How about using the alarm on her phone to ask her to marry you? Create an audio note comprising a mix of her favorite love song and your proposal. Once she’s asleep, transfer this note to her phone and set it as her alarm tone. She’ll wake up to you asking her to marry you. We can’t think of a better way to kick off Valentine’s Day. And she’ll never suspect what you’re up to.

Flash mob proposal
This requires a lot of careful planning. Arrange your group of friends/relatives to write your feeling by mobile flash lights for your girlfriend on the valentine date. Let your girlfriend know that you have planned something romantic for Valentine’s Day, but that it is a surprise. On February 14th, ask her to meet you at a specific place and time, which will really be when your friends are gathered.

Treasure hunt Proposal
The treasure hunt proposal is one of my favorites, because it gets your partner to do a lot of work! Basically, you hide your ring and proposal and At the end of the hunt, she’ll find your ring and proposal. But at each point, they have to stop and ask you for help finding it. So by the end of it, you’ve had some alone time with them—and hopefully when they find their prize, they’ll say yes!

Marathon of proposals
While your girlfriend may think she knows what a proposal looks like, surprise her with something unique. This involves creating a special moment for her that happens to include Valentine’s Day, but isn’t limited to it. Write down 10 things you can do with your girlfriend that are fun and have some type of significance—either to you or to her. Then, over multiple days leading up to Valentine’s Day, complete those tasks in order.

Marathon of gifts
Before you get down on one knee, show your girl just how much she means to you with a series of small, adorable gestures. Our recommendation is that you consider proposing your love on Valentine’s Day increases the possibility of YES. Of course, it takes planning and a good bit of expense. Plan a series of GIFTS/SURPRISES at each and every stop point (shop/home/restaurent/petrol satiation/hotel/every where) to surprise her and take some time to make sure you have everything in order with our guide to romantic gifts for her!

Trip of memory lane
You probably remember one of your first dates together/first dinner/ first movie, or night on the town was fun, wasn’t it? addition to it, mix the moment with something special that you and your lady have done before. take some pictures and plan a romantic destination.
In addition to adding a layer of excitement for both of you on what will become a memorable Valentine’s Day engagement day, an activity is sure to provide an opportunity for intimate conversation and unique shared experiences.i.e. Throw in some heart-shaped balloons to the mix. Blindfold your girlfriend before you take her to this place. As she gapes nostalgically, get down on one knee and ask her to marry you.

Here are 15 simple ideas that could help you propose to your girlfriend on Valentine’s Day. If you have something better, why not share with us? Share it with us via comment or email. We would love to hear from you!