Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. ~ Albert Schweitzer Success means different things to different people. For some, it may mean being able to quit their day job and pursue their passion while they sleep on piles of money every night. For others, it may simply mean finding peace of mind knowing that they have achieved all of their short-term goals and can put themselves in the direction of their long-term goals with confidence.
Four ways successful people celebrate their success
- They celebrate big and small wins alike.
- They take time to appreciate their achievement, regardless of its size or significance.
- They understand that it’s never too late to celebrate, no matter how long they’ve been working toward a goal
- They identify opportunities for celebration and allow themselves to enjoy them – but only if there is quality in their life (not just quantity) and if they are earned rather than expected – Working towards success is very different from living a successful life
First step: Make it an event
When you achieve a goal or reach a big milestone, take some time to celebrate. If you treat it like an occasion, then it will help to give your win greater meaning. Whatever it is that you’re celebrating, be sure to set aside enough time and resources (both money and energy) so that your celebration is an event, not just another task on your schedule. Make sure there are plenty of people around to share in your achievement—get them involved by making them a part of your celebration.
Second step: Do it with others who are important to you
Whether you celebrate by telling your family, going out with friends, or buying yourself a treat, find other people to share in your excitement. It’s easy to lose sight of how much we mean to others when we have our heads down working on our next big thing. But when it comes time to celebrate that win—let everyone know. It’s quality time well spent.
Third step: Look back at what you accomplished and acknowledge yourself for doing so
Spend a few minutes writing down all of your successes, no matter how small. Whatever they are, they should not be underestimated. When you take time to acknowledge and appreciate what you’ve achieved, you help increase your quality of life and have less stress in your life. It doesn’t have to be an official celebration — just do it whenever you can!
Fourth step: Trust yourself to do even better next time around
While it’s important to celebrate your success, there’s a lot of value in learning from our mistakes as well. For example, maybe you write a great post but then get distracted and don’t promote it properly on social media. Instead of feeling bad about that experience (and wasting precious time and energy berating yourself), use it as an opportunity to learn how to do better next time around. Ask yourself these questions: What went wrong? How could I have made things better?